This draft was written about two weeks ago and never published but here it is... welcome to my blog ;) It is currently 12:41 am and I should be studying for all of the finals that I have this week but instead here I am, writing my first blog post. Since I have already procrastinated enough by starting this blog, I think I should procrastinate some more and give some insight into my life. First things first, I think I have the best life ever. Other times I think I have the worst life ever. I am very real but also very dramatic.I find things funny that other people don’t, laugh too often, and roll my eyes too much. I am a night owl. I am most productive at night (hence the act of starting this blog past midnight hehe.) I enjoy writing. It is a hobby that I like to do for myself and myself only, but I think it might be time to share my thoughts. I have been poked to start this blog by a few different people, including random strangers here and...
hey hi hello welcome !! join me as I document the process of figuring myself out and finding who I am supposed to be in this world