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Showing posts from March, 2017

nation of women

There was a video on the CNN website saying that these past 100 days may have been the worst of any presidency yet. I am probably the least political person I know, but I have strong feelings toward this presidency.  Although we should be hopeful and trust that President Trump will do what he believes is best for our country, many people have begun to live in fear. Fear of being deported, fear of having rights taken away, fear of violence… The list goes on and on.  I personally am most afraid of having my rights taken away. As a woman I have to work twice as hard as men in order to get what I want. As a woman of hispanic origin, I need to work three times as hard. My wish is for myself and women across the country to be seen as equal to men because we can do all the same as them and even more. But with President Trump, my hopes of seeing a country that is completely equal have been let down.  The way he talks about women is revolting. The disrespect that is received...

letting go

This has been sitting heavily on my heart for a few days. I have written this countless times, but gone back and deleted all of it. My attempts to share what is going on in my mind don't satisfy me. So my last option is being straightforward:  There is no point in holding grudges.  There is no point in making someone feel bad about themselves. There is no point in being friends with someone if the relationship doesn't work out. Forgive and forget.  Always be nice and spread love.  Get rid of toxic people.  Start fresh.  It is best for everyone <3

the future is female

Happy international women's day!!!!   There are 101 males to every 100 females, yet we are still seen as subordinate to men. It doesn't really make sense to me. And whenever the question is asked I am quickly shut down. "Now's not the time," "Ask someone else," "I'm not really sure..."  What I want to know is when my question will be answered. Women can do the same things as men. Even more. We can give life. Men definitely can not do that. I feel that men think that just because they have an extra body part they are immediately superior. I am smarter than some boys. I am stronger than some boys. I am nicer than some boys.  But when will society accept this?? Why is the world not okay with me having the same value as the boy sitting next to me? We are the future. And the future is not promising if gender stereotypes still exist. I am female and I am proud to be female! I know for a fact I can do anything on this earth if I wanted to....

my life feels lopsided

Today was just another day. Same old, same old. Everything is caught up in the same routine. I have gotten used to my surroundings and the life around me. The people, places, and things I do don't change. I feel nothing, but also everything at the same time. My mind feels bland. It also feels overflowing with emotion. Its something I can't describe. One minute I care, the next I don't. I need a long hug. Or a long bath. Or a long nap. Something. I need something to snap me out of this and bring me back to reality. The reality that is filled with adventure and surprises and friends and randomness. I understand that with this reality can also come failure and sadness and heartbreak, but that is the balance. There is beauty in that balance. I currently don't feel that balance. I'm not sure why. My life is leaning more towards the negative side. I do not enjoy it. Maybe something good is coming. I hope so. Many moments of pure content. Because I don't feel...