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Showing posts from April, 2017


I overwork myself. Because of this, there are consequences. I don't realize these consequences exist until I come face to face with them. I take on more than I can handle because I think I'm some sort of badass super human. (spoiler alert ... I'm not) I pull all-nighters to finish the homework that isn't due until next week. Yes, the satisfaction of finally being finished is amazing, but regret comes at school. I am grumpy. I don't pay attention in class. I am simply not myself. The people around me definitely notice. I tell myself I need to work on my time management to stop the all-nighters which again ... doesn't work out. When my friends have problems I let them come to me. They talk, rant, cry, let out their emotions. I listen, give advice where I can, and try my best to help in any way that I can. I have problems of my own to deal with, but I deal with theirs first. This is probably the cause of my occasional emotional breakdowns. This is no one...


Coachella Fest consists of pure feelings of euphoria. The amount of energy and good vibes is insane!! I love that this festival is what my hometown is known for. One day is enough to go through all of the emotions. (and one day is also enough to get sick from the smell of all the weed)  The performances are absolutely iconic.  There is a unique energy between the performers and crowd that works perfectly together. Everyone at the festival is striving for the same thing -- having a good time and listening to good music. This goal radiates happiness and excitement all throughout the festival. It was truly an awesome experience that I would go through again in a heartbeat. But for now, until next year Coachella ;)

"trust me"

What I should be doing: studying for an English quiz on  Shakespeare's "Taming of the Shrew" What I actually am doing: thinking 'bout life and writing this lol. Putting faith in other people is hard for me. Maybe its because I've been let down so many times, or maybe its just because I'm not close with many people. I would much rather keep my secrets or do something for myself rather than rely on someone else. "Trust me" are two words I often hear together and on a regular basis. They are dreaded. They cause me to overthink at night and worry too much.  I trust God through any situation whether it be good or bad. I find myself to have such strong faith in Him because I know that in the end he will never let me down. Everything he does and brings into my life is for a specific reason. He knows how my life will turn out and I simply need to put my faith in Him and that He will lead me down the right path.  Best friends since fifth grade, Nadiy...